Murphy Morobe
Murphy Morobe

Murphy Morobe

Campaign Director

Murphy Morobe has had a distinguished and diverse career spanning student activism, trade unionism,
politics, and conservation. His dedication to education and youth development is evident in his current
position as the national director of the Programme to Improve Learning Outcomes.

In 1972, Murphy joined the South African Student's Movement, embracing Black Consciousness ideology
and becoming its treasurer in 1974. Active in the 1976 Soweto school uprisings, he became the deputy
chairperson of the Soweto Students' Representative Council.

Murphy’s history includes arrests, imprisonment, and attempts to testify against the African National
Congress, ultimately leading to his confinement on Robben Island in 1979. After his release in 1982, he
engaged with various organizations, including the Congress of South African Students and the United
Democratic Front. Murphy played a crucial role in international advocacy against the Apartheid regime,
seeking support from the United Nations, European countries, and the United States.

In 1994, Murphy became the chairperson and CEO of the Financial and Fiscal Commission, contributing
to the Council on Higher Education, and serving as chair of the South African National Parks Board. He
has also held the roles of director on the Old Mutual board, chair of Ernst & Young South Africa, deputy
director general in the presidency, and eventually, CEO of Kagiso Media in 2006.

Murphy currently serves as a non-executive director for Remgro Ltd, Rand Merchant Bank Holdings, and
Rand Merchant Investment. Additionally, he is involved in the DG Murray Trust Board and the WWF
South Africa Board.

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