Pravienna Naidoo
Pravienna Naidoo

Pravienna Naidoo

Campaign Manager

Pravienna Naidoo has worked as a social development and political activist for almost four decades. Herwork has spanned across South Africa, India, Germany, the US, and Dubai, on projects in both theprivate and public sector, the development and donor community, and civil society organisations.‍

Pravienna is a highly skilled facilitator with extensive knowledge of early childhood development, genderequity, women’s empowerment, health, and wellbeing, LGBTQIA+ and social development. She recentlyserved as the national programme coordinator for South African Women in Dialogue, as well as directorof the Women’s Development Bank Trust, both with former First Lady Mrs. Zanela Mbeki.

‍Pravienna has significant international experience, working with the UN’s Children Fund; DevelopmentProgramme; Food and Agriculture Organisation and International Labour Organisation.

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